"We're all walking around with these glossy eyes. "I'm just tired." we say. But you know what? It's bullshit. Ye, we are tired, but its not all from lack of sleep or works. We are tired of waking up with nothing to look forward to, tired of going to bed exhausted after doing a million things we find no enjoyment in doing it. We are tired of this emptiness that looms over us, even though our days are packed. We are tired of the loneliness that presses down on us even though we are surrounded by dozens of people. SO WHY CANT WE JUST SAY IT?
Humans are so afraid to look into each other's eyes and say, "I am unhappy, I am broken, I am hopeless and weak." We have been accustomed to associate pain with weakness, sadness with coldness, loneliness with unworthiness, difference with disorder, as if these feelings are contagious, as if doubt is something not to be felt but to feared.
Well, I say screw all of that. Screw forced smiles and polite handshakes and "I AM FINE, THANK YOU"S. Screw the fear of crying in public place, to hell with fake chipper voice. To feel everything and to feel it all openly. WE ARE NOT METALS. WE ARE FLESHES AND BONES. We can be torn into pieces. Our boiled blood flows trough our cold, humid hands. We are complex and beautiful and we should NEVER HIDE OUR HUMAN PARTS."
I somehow agree with this post of yours, to not lie to ourselves. (Read this short blog post of mine, click here)
But, to be humane isn't always about like what you thought. being humane depends on each person point of view. Not to forget that as social human being, we need other person company. You can't just say "I don't care what others feel, I don't need them", because you do need them. You do need these other individuals. Unless, you're cool to be alone.
Anyway, postingan blog lo keren tam. Gue ga nyangka lo fluent in English writing. Keep posting!
Read your blog and pretty much the idea is quite similar to mine. To be honest to what we are feeling, and to acknowledge that the feeling of disappointment is something normal and humane, not something that is embarrassing to the point where we lie to people just to show how 'happy' we are with our life , when in fact maybe at sometimes in our life we are not. Creating one phoney 'all well' ironic society.
Setuju sama poin lo tentang manusia adalah mahkluk sosial, bahkan justru itu yang gue tekenin jg di postingan ini. Selama ini kan seakan-akan manusia dituntut untuk nggak menunjukan emosinya di depan orang lain, soalnya nanti dibilang lemah or whatsoever... And i want people to be more open and to be more sensitive&caring about other people's feelings, and at least be less judgmental.
Thanks for the nice comment btw!
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