
Nikicio Femme SS 2010 Show

Hollaback guys!

So last Thursday i went out to Tribute, Birdcage to be one of the model in Nikicio Femme Spring-Summer 2010 Show. The outfits were so effin awesome. Simple. Elegant. Sexy yet not trashy. Everlasting. Original. The crowds were so cool. Lots of fashion photographers, journalists, editors, bloggers, prospective buyers, celebs, yadayadayada. So hereby i present you some pics from the show!

practice, practice, practice :-)

before the show in the backstage, getting kinda bored:p

The Signature Dress Demo

Ka Nina was modifying the dress on me

me, wearing the SIGNATURE DRESS, which can be modified up to 25 styles.

left to right, Winny Christy & Sheila Schultze

sexy, yet, not trashy. Very Elegant!

Ka Nina got a red roses bouquet!

the finale walk. (the lamps concept was so cool)

The wonderful designer, Kak Nina(center) and the models:-)

The show was a blast!

stay cool,


Lost In Translation

gue bikinini sampe ngig0-ngigo.


Brief one

Gue lagi males nulis yg panjang-panjang nih lately. So to put it all in brief,

something was once frozen and dead, but now its coming back to life
every single thing in this world deserves a second chance
to feel life, to feel love, and to laugh
for the one last time :-)

stay cool,


"Is this just a detour? Cause i gotta be sure, that you really mean what you said."


In a sudden

Good late bloggers,
Phewwwwwwwwwwww, you know what? Im in a such big dilemma rite now. A real weird one. Have you ever felt like everything come back to you in a sudden? Like, youve lost something, for quite a long time, suddenly it comes back to you but in the meantime youre finally starting to let it go because you thought that it's gone forever?

meanwhile. Andy William is singin Feeling. on my speaker rite now. wow, so important. anyway.

The late 2 days, have been reaaally weird ya know. Like, i dont even believe it's true and happening rite now at the moment. It's just really, wow. i meant, WOW. i dont even know how im suppose to feel! Happy? doh, how would you feel if your hopes finally come true.......... but it's just too simple and easy. in the other hand, i still feel anger within me. So i guess it wont be as smooth as it used to be, as simple and as easy as it used to be. People need to learn something, they took decision and they have to deal with the consequences. however, still i want my dreams to come true. i want those days-gone-by again. i wanna feel the memory again, the experience. the love i once had and prolly still having. yeah i want it all:') but shoot, i think it's gonna be too easy!

aaah dilemma dilemma dilemma -.- once again, love has confused me. defeated!
stay cool,


Okelah Kalo Begitu....



yang jadi lagu iklan nya three itu lagu mereka berjudul, 'Okelah Kalo Begitu...'. Sumpah ya aksen tegalnya top markotop dah! hahahahaha lirik nya juga pasrah banget mana vokalisnya nyanyi tanpa ekspresi dan super datar anjirrrrrrrrrrrr keren! orisinil! HAHA NGAKAK OBJECT BANGET.


bangun pagi bangun pagi
ga ada kopi ga da roti
laper lagi laper lagi
adanya nasi sama teri
okelah kalo begitu..3x (plus backsound)

5 hari engga mandi
kulit udah banyak daki
perempuan banyak lari
katanya "ay am sori"
okelah kalo begitu 3x


mogok lagi mogok lagi
motor mati mesin brenti
aki busi belom terganti
aku jadi jalan kaki

okelah kalo begitu...(diiriingi )

tiba-tiba hape bunyi
hape bunyi keras sekali
gua jawab dia memanggil
tukang kredit nagih janji
okelah gua bayarin,okelah gue lunasin

ya udahlah kalo begitu 3x

okelah ka ka kalo begitu
okelah kalo

gak kerasa laper lagi
mangan ati karo jantung
mau bayar aku keki
dompetku dibawa lari

gimana kalo begitu 3x
gimana sih kalo begitu

pak tolong dong
tolong dong

That's all,
stay cool



Batik On The Runway

I should've posted this like a long time a go (look i still have that LONG hair) but i always forgot it, and NAH! I remember it now! Yayyyyyyy. Here are some pics taken by my friends in my school's Batik Fashion Show. The dress was breathtakingly designed by Jessica Yowiko, my evil manager slash the avant gard dress designer.


this was during the fitting. the dress was super tight on the waist. feels like wearing a corset!

and this was during the training session with the killer traineers, J.Yo and Ka Chess. seriously. killer trainers. plus killer shoes. and OH! J.Yo said i walked like a drunk cavemen. do i? i think i walked elegantly.........


There was about 28 contestants during the show, the jury told me to come out at the end of the show. so i was the last one who walked down the catwalk.

the traditional, conservative, yet sexy dress designed by J.Yo

the 'tail' was soo fragile. i had to walk REAL carefully or it would come off.

TETOT. weird face.

I looove the right one. So mysterious and dark. Edited by Jyo.


Tim Sukses. Left to Right: Ka Chessa, Me, J.Yo's mom, and J.Yo . Victorius!

Me and my lovely classmate, Nana. she wore her self-designed dress.

went out of the building and i was interviewed by my junior:p

The show went well and THANK GOD i didnt tumble on anything, and humiliatingly fell down. Thanks to those killer trainers, J.Yo and Ka Chess! for more story check my designer's blog! http://memoirs-of-j.blogspot.com/2009/09/first-fashion-competition-blooming-in.html

stay cool and dont be a fool!


Tata Tertib KAMPUS Santa Ursula BSD

Ohya! Aduh udah lama banget gue mau bikin posting tentang ini tapi ga kesampean mulu!!! Err. Okay guys, jadi beberapa minggu yang lalu, kami, para siswa Santa Ursula mendapatkan sebuah buku. kitab. peraturan. undang-undang dasar 1945. Haha ga lah. booklet tata tertib sanur yang isinya udah kaya undang undang secara pasal-pasal dari 1 sampe 28 -,-

nih dia nih foto-foto yang gue (dengan niatnya) ambil dari booklet freak tersebut. ada beberapa doang, yang gue foto yang kocak dan freak ok! (oiya sori kualitasnya juga jelek soalnya gue cari yg size filenya paling kecil biar cepet diaplot ok)

widiiih, ni die tampak depannye. bolehlah boleh.

oh disaat lo pada leyeh2 di sabtu pagi, kami sekolah, belajar, ulangan, trs eksul. sampai jam 12.15

tertulis, wajib pake NAME TAG. dan sepatu hitam & putih yang ditentukan o/ sekolah
Heran nametagnya kaya apaan? Nih kaya gambar dibawah ini:

nana, disti, gue (dengan tampang sumpeknya)

nah ini aturan seragamnya, kebaca? BLUS DIMASUKKAN SAMPAI BAN PINGGANG TERLIHAT. (gaya anak cupu di sinetron2 gt day), plus rok 10cm dibawah lutut loh. suer. bukan cuman omdo doang tapi bener2 diberlakukan!!! oiya tanpa kantong pula, rok gue yg berkantong udah diblacklist dari sekolah dan ga pernah gue pake lagi hahaha.

baca no.5? RAMBUT DILARANG TERURAI PANJANG. ya, benar sekali. kami yg rambutnya melebihi leher wajib menguncir rambut kami. WAJIB. haha.

untuk putera, dilarang gondrong, dan dilarang GUNDUL HAHAHA NGAKAK.

ok, pasal 16 agak panjang. intinya, kita dilarang ngadain acara apapun selain acara sekolah ama osis. dilarang JUALAN TIKET APAPUN yang gada hubungannya sm sekolah. PADAHAL DIKIT-DIKIT KITA DISURUH JUALIN TIKET!!! Tiket orkes lah! Tiket Pasar Amal lah! Tiket Aussi lah! GA ADIL WO GA ADIL NAJIS HOEK. katanya gaboleh jualan di sekolah.......

ini frik juga nih, jadi kan kita gaboleh bawa barang2 elektronik kan, jadi kalo mau bawa hp kamera laptop ke sekolah, harus dititipin ke kepsek pagi2 sebelom jam 7. senangnya (?)

di sanur juga suka ada serangan fajar. yaitu razia tiba-tiba. kalo ketahuan bawa barang2 terlarang, siap2 disita lalu dikembalikan ketika kenaikan kelas. ouyeah....

kami dilarang membawa kendaraan sendiri ke sanur. kalo ketahuan bawa, 1x ortu dipanggil, 2x ya dikeluarin heuhauhe. yang boleh cuman sepeda, asik ye!!!

ini dia lagi peraturan yg kocak. DILARANG BERMESRAAN MAUPUN MENUNJUKAN PERILAKU INTIM YANG SIFATNYA MENGANGGU KENYAMANAN!!! huahueueahua ini paling kocak soalnya gue suka gangguin pasangan2 yg mesra gue teriakin aje,
"PASAL 24 WOI!!!" haha mampus...

Yah itu sih beberapa aturan yang kocak. sebenernya masih ada lagi aturan main sanur yang mungkin lo anggep super duper freak (emang sih emang banget), contohnya dilarang makan dikelas lah apalah, tapi gue lama-lama jadiin itu bahan tertawaan aje, udah kebiasaan. mungkin juga di sekolah2 lainperaturannya kaya gini, kaya waktu gue smp juga sempet tuh gaboleh bawa hp. TAPI CUMAN TAHAN SEMINGGU DISIPLINNYA. hahaha selanjutnya ya bawa2 aje. bedanya kalo disanur, peraturan tuh bukan cuman OMDO. tapi beneran diterapin setegas-tegasnye. emang bikin gerah ye. yah ga heran sih orang-orang nyebut sanur penjara, emang kaya penjara kok haha. kocaknya waktu smp gue sempet mikir anjrit nih sekolah banyak aturan... pas masuk sanur, beuh. culture shock gue. bahaha.

tapi disamping itu semua, dengan berbagai peraturan super ketat itu bukan berarti kami anak-anak yang selalu menuruti peraturan. mungkin banyak yg ngikutin, tapi ga semuanya gitu. ada kok anak-anak yg misalnya diem2 bawa hp ditaro di (sensor) ato titip laptop trus pas dibawa ke kelas ya foto2 pake webcam juga, ato diem-diem makan dikelas dibawah meja, ban pinggang diliatin juga cuman depan gerbang doang, selanjutnya ya keluarin dikit lah haha. tapi kebandelan kebandelan kecil itu jadi memori tersendiri yang suka bikin gue geli sendiri kalo keinget:')

thats all folks, stay cool