
1. Who was your last text from?

2. Where was your default picture taken?
Aga's birthday partay, Just Steak Mahakam

3. Whats your middle name?
Don't have any

4. Your current relationship status?
Single lady hahaha

5. Does your crush like you back?
and who's my crush?

6. What is your current mood?
30% sick sick sick

7. What did you do after school yesterday?
trapped at school cause of the storm then after school lesson

8. What color shirt are you wearing?

9. Who's your crush?
see number 5

10. If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
yeah. to that time when i should have reply those sms.

12. Ever had a near death experience?
YEAH ONCE. seru nyet!

13. Something you do a lot?
fart. online.

15. Who can you tell anything to?

16. Name someone who has the same birthday as you.
err i dont know.

17. When was the last time you cried?
a month a go i guess

18. What's the last thing you ate?

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
to alter time!

20. What's the first thing you notice about a guy/girl?
look? HAHA

21. What do you usually order from starbucks?
Vanilla Frappe with extra caramelle:)

22. What's your biggest secret?
dang you want me to spill it out here dumbass?

23. Favorite color?

24. What song has a special meaning for you?
Go On - Gavin Mikhail

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv show?
Spoengebob squarepants

26. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

28. What's your favorite smell?

29. Describe your life in one word; what would it be?
Life is just a play:s

30. Have you ever kissed in the rain?

31. Why did your last relationship fail?
my bad hahaha

32. What are you thinking about right now?

33. What should you be doing?
at school

34. Did someone make you upset/angry today? and who?

35. What are you listening to?
Enigma - Sadness

36. Do you like working in the yard?

37. If you could have any last name in the world, what would it be?

38. Do you act differently around the person you like?
guess so

39. What is your natural hair color?

40. Who was the last person to make you cry?
tssssssssss -.-


Gary Come Home

Noon guys,
I didnt go to school today, im effin sick-.- this flu is killin me! and you know what ive peed like 10times in the last 5 hours! Geez. Hopefully i can get better before friday or ill miss Soulnation!

Anyhow, today i just stayed in my mom's room and watched tv. Its been a long time since the last time i watched Spongebob Squarepants, and today's episode was when Gary left Spongebob cause he neglected him. But then Spongebob really regretted it and was looking everywhere for Gary. Here's the music video:

Gary now i know i was wrong i messed up and now your gone,
Gary I'm sorry i neglected you, oh i never expected you to runaway
and leave me feeling this empty
your meow right now would sound like music to me.
Please come home 'cause i miss you Gary.
Gary come home
Gary come home
Gary come home
Gary cant you see i was blind ill do anything to change your mind!
More than a pet youre my best friend to cool to forget, comeback

cause we are family and forgive me for making you wanna roam,

and now my heart is beating like the saddest metronome

Some where i hope youre reading my latest three word poem
Gary come home!
Gary come home!


River Flows in You Cover

Hey guys, this is me playin the piano of River Flows in You by Yiruma. Sorry made some little mistakes:p but enjoy!


Taman Lawang

Morning gays!

FOSIL sukses! Yeah tiketnya sold out padahal baru berjalan 1 jam huahahaha keren. ampe bikin tiket tambahan dan akhir2nya jebol. keren. Pas Barry Likumahuwa juga audiencenya kooperatif banget, asik abis nyanyi Indonesia Pusaka ato Gebyar-Gebyar ye? Lupa gue huahaha. Waktu Jacket Potato juga. Trus pas gue lagi di lorong gitu kan papasan sm Barry abis manggung, dianya bilang gitu, "Keren banget acaranya!" gue senyam senyum kembang kempis hahaha.

Okay anyway,
yaya kalian tahu sanur kan, mau semalem acara selese jam berape juga besoknya (Sabtu) tetep masuk sekolah. GA LIBUR. gue dengan segenap tenaga, dan berasa kaki udah RATA (Pegel banget kaki gue GILAA), pun terseok-seok masuk sekolah! Untung saja kami agak pintar mengelabui guru religiusitas kami yang agak suka curcol, jadi yaudah kita nanya-nanya tentang dulu dia pacaran berapa lama awet ato gaa gitugitu lah. ujung-ujungnya dia malah curcol pacaran 10tahun sama suaminya bla3. hahaha sampai akirnya bel pun berbunyi. senangnya.

Lalu kedua, pelajaran creative writing. Haha gampanglah ini. Toh ujung-ujungnya kita malah gosipin salah satu guru tukang bokis gitu di sekolah. Trus curcol ttg raditya dika juga tuh guru creatif writing gue huahaha. senangnya.

Lalu ketiga, gamelan bali. bekas memar seminggu yg lalu karena bermain kendang pun kembali terbuka. Malah lebih parah karena kali ini tangan gue yg kiri pake menepuk kendang. jadi selamat ya tam jari mu biru biru sekarang huahahaha. tapi gpp ah keren.

ok selanjutnya gue pulang. malam minggu. biasanya gue udah ada acara, ato at least rencana ato bahkan tujuan doang untuk malam itu. tapi kemarin tidak biasanya. got no plan at all huh. Ditelfon Aceh untuk nonton dia manggung di Ricci, Edward juga nyuruh kesana, tapi yah apadaya gue gatau kesananya gimana, biasanya ama Pm Cimbon. Pm ke Bandung. Rencana pertama gagal. Rencana ke dua, Musa mengajak gue untuk ikut ke ultah temennya di Menteng. Yah gimane gue kesananya lagi lagi -.- dia sendiri aja nebeng temennya karena mobilnya speedometernya rusak entar takut tiba2 mogok dijalan soalnya gatau kalo bensinnya udah abis huahaha.

Alas. oh Alas. Wanita kesepian ini pun sendiri di malam minggu bersama komputernya. Gue udah berniat untuk nonton DVD Once, eh pas gue masukin ke dvd player gamau ngebaca. kampret. Gue punmengajak ayah gue untuk hunting dvd di itc. katanya oke.

Gue pun ol bentar. Waktu menunjukan pukul 7 malam dan gue belom ada rencana juga. Tiba2 Tama, tetangga gue, nanya gue dimana, gue bilang dirumah. Dia juga dirumah. Kami bosan. Pertama dia mengajak ke fx fotoin temennya manggung. tapi gue lg males jalan gaul gitu. hidup sedang membosankan. dan gue butuh tantangan. yaudah gue tantang tama untuk ke TL. Haha TL itu loh Taman Lawang, sarangnya banci-banci paling kece seantero jakarta. Tama pun menerima tantangan gue yeaaah!!!

setelah itu Tama pun langsung menjemput gue. Yah ga pake buluk!!! Buluk tuh starlet merahnya yang (emang) buluk dan bunyinya heboh. Heboh banget! Tapi seru nyet pake itu haha. Sayangnya kali ini dia bawa CR-V yg kinclong gitu, gaya benerrr.

Emak gue nitip minta beliin bebek bengil. So yauda kite ke Tosari beli bebek dulu. Trus bistu makan ayam kuluyuk bistu hunting foto ke bunderan HI. Namun ketika gue lg diatas jembatan ngambil foto, tiba2
gue: lo ngerasa bergetar ga sih?
Tama: iya tam... daritadi
gue: (kembali memoto)
---bergetar kembali----
gue: tuh kan! getar lagi! ngerasa ga sih lo?
tama: iya tam daritadi daah
gue: gempa bukan sih?
tama: nah makannnya gue takutnya itu
gue: (kembali moto seakan ga peduli)
---tiba2 sepasang homo lewat-----
homo2: katanya gempanya 8,2 SR ya? bla3...........
*gue dan tama bertatap2an*

Anjir malah ngomongin gempa. disaat yang tak tepat, yaitu saat gue ngerasa inijembatan tempat kaki gue menapak sedang bergetar-getar. ANEHNYA GA ADA YG PANIK!!! yaude gue stay cool juga huahaha. ngomong2 ternyata emg bener, kemaren ada gempa di maluku kan.

nih beberapa hasil jepretan gue, biasa banget! ga bawa tripod sih huh. gue gerak dikit lgs blurred.

selanjutnya gue ama Tama lewatin daerah TL. Baru pas belok kiri BANCINYA LAGI RAME NYEET. oke ini malam, jam 11, dan malam minggu. kombinasi yang kurang enak. SANGAT GA ENAK. kenapa? karena mobil gue hampir dicegat sama BANCI YANG MENARIK KERAH BAJUNYA KEBAWAH SEHINGGA BUAH DADANYA KEMANA-MANAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. HOEK HOEK HOEK. dan itu terlihat sangat amat GA ALAMI. IH SEREM BGT. mana bawa kecrekan gitu sambil ngamen, trus tetenya krompyang krompyang KEMANE MANE HUAHAHAHHHA. panik abis gue lgs nyuruh tama ngebut! daripada dicegat! mati pingsan gue di cegat. masalahnya mobil depan gue dicegat................... kasihan. eh tp ada yg cantik bgt aja loh bancinya hahahahaha keren. trus pas udah lewat
tama: tam lo tadi liat bawahnya?
gue: enggak, gue cukup liat atasnya ga berani liat lebih lanjut. lo liat?
tama: liat gue!! udah jadi cewe!!
gue: emang dibuka-buka?

astaga jadi tuh banci atas bawah dibuka. SEREM BANGET. GELI GUA.

udah ah segini aja ok
stay cool


Cut Off

Good evening gays,

Phew! What-a-daaaaaaaaay. You know what? I left school at around 6pm rite, cause i thought me and Disti should help the guys to prepare for tmorrow's event, but it turned out they didnt need our help so we just chat around in the middle of the hall, just the two of us. I left school at 6 and went home, but at around 6.15 i went out again to go to the math course class. we finished at around 8 something, went home, tidied my room up. finished all the preparation for the band competition final tomorrow. brushed my bathroom. hanged up all the drenched clothes. yadayadayada and here i am, online, in front of the computer. tired. tired. tired.

well anyway, today is THE DAY WHEN I FINALLY DECIDED TO END THIS NEVERENDING PROBLEM. i've been thinking about the consequences and yeah, i decided to cut off every connection until im done with this. i wont see him anymore, and he cant see me no more. which means i 'memotong tali silaturahmi', but who cares? thats the best way for me to get out this hole. No im not gonna check on him anymore, no im not gonna think about him anymore, and no im not gonna give a damn about him anymore, AND HELL NO im not gonna have feelings left for him. yeah thats what im gonna do. we're gonna live a whole different separrated life. that's the way it should be to end this. PEOPLE, THIS IS GONNA BE MY LAST POSTING ABOUT HIM. TAKE MY WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so bye bye bye bye bye:)

Now! Whats my priority?

and tomorrow im gonna meet such an ohmygosh SUPER cute boy:3 wishmeluck! Oh plus!

Malam Puncak FOSIL, besok 5-9pm. w/ RADITYA DIKA, BARRY LIKUMAHUWA, JACKET POTATO, FOOD FESTIVAL +many more! HTM Rp 5ribu +doorprizes!
Come and join the fun!

seeya there!


Old Pics to be found!

Hey guys i was just foolin around my old folders in my old hard drive rite and i found these pics! So cool huh? :p My friend Reszki was the one who took those pics, thanks res!

sok misterius

gue juga bingung kenapa harus ada gue merayap di pantat gue sendiri

and this one is my favourite:)

kirain foto-foto gue jaman dulu aib semua, ternyata ada yang kaga aib2 amat hahaha. yaude tidur ah gue

nitey nite!


Mean Girl

Ohmygosh how i love ruining other people's lives! Yippie:)

Smart Guess

Oh one thing!

Bukan gue yang sok tahu. Tapi lo yang gatau apa-apa.

Open your eyes, see the world with different perspective. Plus, gue bukan dukun nyet haha. Gue cuman menggunakan indra gue dari apa yang gue lihat dan dengar dari berbagai sumber, dan i took conclusion based on that. and THAT'S what i call a SMART GUESS. soalnya kalo guess, ya lo asal nebak doang kek cap cip cup. it's not smart rite?

Neverending Story

Gosh it turned out that he still does open my blog! God. -.- pleaseeeeeeeee you got your life and ive got mine, you got your new one why do you still mingle on me? just leave it! okay? im so over with all of these. Be consistent will ya? You chose her, leave my blog, leave my fb, leave my twitter, just, leave me. You cant do both thing! You shouldnt still check on me while having a new girlfriend! Youre gonna hurt both side! please. If you still do this, then leave her. but if you decided to not to do it anymore, then carry on with your girl ok. Cause what youve been doing, checking on me and stuff, shows that youre still unsure about your decision. But thats your problem. So anyway, i want you to learn something from this, that
every decision you take has their own consequences
And now your consequece is, leave me. forget me. Cause its, no offense, ANNOYING, for me if you keep on doing that. Ohmy gosh............... it feels so neverending:'(

I'm so tired of these. Fucking tired. Fed Up. and DONE WITH IT!!!
ONCE AND FOR ALL, LEAVE ME. or leave her. (apaansi gue sok bgt hahahaahaha)

Nitey nite!


Bringing Back Old Story

Hey yo, yea you, if you still check on my blog, this is for you.

I know it's useless for me to say this, cause it's been.....how long? more than a month i guess rite? life goes on, day after day, night after night, youve got yours, and ive got.......uhm idk haha. But hey if you wonder do i still check on you? Yes i do. I still open your facebook, check on your pm, yadayadayada. haha i know, seems desperate huh? sometimes until know i still feel like it aint real. weird. ya know. (ok maybe you dont know haha). i still have hopes, wishes, over you. frankly speaking, i do! keep on telling people how i dont want you anymore. acting like i dont give a damn about you anymore. but theose memories well up in my head!

Sometimes i have a feeling that you're not you anymore. Youre listening to the other someone inside you! I can feel that youre not happy with your current life (apart from being ms.know-it-all) i was just guessing ok. smart guess. your new one doesnt even seem serious with you, i know she still has a thing with her ex rite? HAHA. ok. this is too much. sorry hehe. back to the topic, yea, i knew it boy. i knew it ALL waaaaaaaaaaay looong before you got your new one. i knew what you did everynight, i knew you still check on me. my blog. my facebook. my twitter. Even that nite when you text me that youre glad with what ive chosen, i knew what happened after that!! being sad and all. Wow its like youre wearing a way different mask when youre facing me. But behind me, youre just as sad as a rotten flower. You thought i knew nothing? Haha think again boy. So when you got together with the new one, i was laughing all nite long. Cause i knew how you were at that time! your feeling, your condition........... i was like, "omg how poor she is." and you, yeah how poor you, THAT desperate to seek for replacement? But hey like my friend told me, "maybe he couldnt forget you if he didnt get together with her. maybe it's his way to forget you." haha yeah, i believe that. i just keep on wondering how poor the girl is.

BUT like you said, 'it's normal'. so yeah i keep on saying, 'hey tami, it's normal, it's normal. time itself will make you forget about those'. so that's what i do! and it kinda works. it helps me to push those memories aside, and make my way to something new. Hopefully, time may find me somebody new:) not as a replacement, cause i believe each person has their own positives and negatives. I dont want any diversion, replacement, whatsoever. Cause if i get together with someone, that means i put my faith in him, i trust him as someone special. Getting together for me isnt something as easy as a b c. not for playin. not to take revenge, or any childish game. Thats why i take it seloooooooooow buddy!

But hey currently, currently, currently................ i think i like a guy. Cute and SUPERcool :3 Is he the one? Haha let's just let it flow, then wait and see!

With love,

13 Horses - Alexander Rybak

Guten Abend!

Hey guys lately ive been listening to this song. One saad-saad song, from Alexander Rybak. A Norwegian musician, violinist, and singer. Everytime i listen to this song, i always have this chill all over my body, and this sad feeling inside me. The lyric is amazingly beautiful. It is about 13 horses who are swimming in the middle of the sea because their ship has sunk. They kept on struggling and they thought it was just a race, but actually it was not. They imagined their masters, being proud of them, will give them food and play with them, but in the end it never happened. How sad.

Though the music isnt as good and as skillful as others, but that doesnt matter anyway, cause overall, i would give 100thumbs for this one!

Here's the lyric:
13 horses swimming in the sea
Waiting for someone to find them
Their ship is gone
and now they are alone
With water everywhere around them
The men were saved
from the sinking ship
Right before it started to burn
And while they’re safe
their loyal friends need help
Patiently waiting for their turn

13 horses swimming in the sea
They don’t even know it’s pointless
Their pride remains
but this time it won’t help
They used to be so tall
and suddenly they’re small
There’s a couple waiting far behind
Soon they will be out of sight
But then who cares –
they’re dying anyway
All of them are doomed this night

11 horses swimming in the sea
The sea they thought was just a river
They’re used to this
it’s probably just a race
That helps to ease their minds
but where’s the finish line
The night grows dark
the body wants to rest
It hurts to breathe
and still they do their best
They want to live
no matter for how long
Their thoughts all disappeared
‘Cause now they’re really scared

7 horses struggling in the sea
Waiting for someone to find them
They don’t look back
‘cause what’s the point of that
There is only death behind them
They cry for help
but help will never come
They don’t know where to swim
or what they’re swimming from
They try to swim some more
when panic starts to spread
They’re swimming in to shore
but only in their heads

The 3 last horses
Dying in the sea
Shouting out their cries for no one
They’re born to win
they’re screaming in their hearts
The strength of thousand men
They’re fighting to the end

The sun is out
Birds are everywhere
They’re flying high
surfing in the air
It’s nice to live
when life is such a blast
One horse still swims
it seems to be the last

The thirteenth horse
has always been the best
His owner will be proud
But now he wants to rest
He’s longing for his home
The girl will give him food
“Good boy” - she’ll say
together they will play

13 horses swimming in the sea
Soon they will be gone forever
And while they swim,
One thing still remains
And that’s the hope that never dies
It never dies
It never dies

yeah that's all for tonite folks! mari bermellow dan bersensitif ria hahahaaha


Language Class goes to Goethe

Holla-back everybody!

Langsung aje ye, tadi gue cabs dari sekolah ke Goethe Institut di Menteng. Awalnya gue dan anak-anak kelas gue bingung naik apaan kesono, dulu sih biasanya ya nyewa mobilnya Pak Cecep aje. tapi berhubung populasi ditambah dengan anak kelas 11 yg notabennya 8 orang, jadi jumlah homo sapien yang perlu diangkut adalah 17 orang! plus frau Audrey jadi 18 orang. plus supir jadi 19. hebat. naik apaan kite? masa mau nyewa bus? ih heboh bgt ga sih mau ke goethe aja naik bus, dikira rombongan dari tegal kali gua haha.

tapi akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk memesan sejenis mobil elf dari bluebird. yang dibuat untuk 11 orang. namun ya dengan menakjubkan kami dapat mengisinya sampai 18 orang! wow!!! hahaha udah empit-empitkan kek sarden tau ga.

oiya, jeje ulang taun jadi tadi kita mampir ke dapur coklat buat beli kue surprise untuk jeje! enak banget dah huh. kalo punya duit gue beli sekarung. (ga sekarung juga sih, obesitas gue)

sesampainya di goethe kami makan. trus dari kejauhan berjalanlah seorang bule. ganteng. hot. lucu. uh. sempurna~. gue yang duduk sama dinar disti andri hattya nisa yang notabennya cewe-cewe GATEL, apalagi disti. super centil dan gatel gila men. berhasrat untuk ngisengin si bule. berhubung pada pengen tau namanya, si bule yg duduk di meja sebelah kita, dipanggil2 namanya, dari "peter, mark, michael...." tapi kaga nengok2. hahaha gatau malu dah yg manggil2. kalo gue jd bulenya keknya gue lempar kuah soto mie ke muka mereka deh saking annoyingnya haha.

abis itu ada pemutaran film runtuhnya tembok berlin, layaknya film sejarah yg lain, yaaa..........
haha abis itu kita tur keliling pameran, ada miniatur tembok berlin yg bener2 dibuat dr semen, beserta isi-isinya! ada coklatnya, permennya, haaaaaaaaaaaaah NYUM. ada juga dimana gue bikin graffiti fufufuufufu KEREN! trus ada kaya gambar-gambar buat foto muka gitu wkwkwk. 10 thumbs up buat pamerannya ok

nih deh tinggal gue kasih liat foto-foto
ada yg mau sebuah paket berisi kepalanya nisa?nivea buat yang segede gajah kali ye

kiri Frau Ari, guru jerman gue, persis kek Michael Jackson!
Kanan, gue dengan bibir ga sante
Gantengan mane?

stay cool,


Immortal Germany Fever

Hey gays gila ya gue lama kali kaga ngepost ape-ape. Abis kemaren-kemaren juga lagi males nulis sih, paling posting lagu. gambar. quote. pemales bgt ga sih. haha.

Malem minggu kemaren GUE. AKHIRNYA. NGELIAT. YAYANG. GUE. KEMBALI. yang gue sangat amat kangen-kangeniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin UH. Tebak siapa?

BAHAHAHA bukan 'ITU' GOBLOK. ngeliat sih tapi udah bukan kesayangan gue lagi itu mah, yayang gue sebnarnya yang gue maksud adalah............

hm you know who, cinta abadi gue sejak kelas 4 sd.......................... MIROSLAV KLOSE.

wus. kalo ditanya, tam lo pertama kali jatuh cinta sama siape? ya itu doi. hahaha. dan cinta gue terhadap dia tak pernah bisa padam. wis. bergetar rasanya hati gue tiap ngeliat dia main di tv. gila. dia menyihir gue dengan ketangkasannya, ketampanannya, kejagoannya....... ah. klose. muah.

iya jadi malem minggu kemaren tuh Rusia lawan Jerman di kualifikasi piala dunia kan. gue di tweet Dea disuruh nonton indosiar. gue langsung secepat kecepatan cahaya meninggalkan pc dan berlari ke kamar emak gue untuk nonton itu. WIH! YAYANG GUE MAIN! Senengnya bukan main. APALAGI PAS DIA NGEGOL. SALTO PULA ABIS ITU. WAH WAH WAH WAH. kayak langsung pengen meluk gitu. tapi gue baru sadar yang gue peluk hanyalah pesawat televisi. sialan. ah tapi tak apa, daku yakin cintaku kan sampai padanya. (klose-freak parah) hahaha.


trus Jerman menang 1-0! Tiket ke Piala Dunia sudah didapatkan! Yes! MUAH!

hmm what else has been happening lately, wahaha ada satu hal kocak yang agak vulgar kalo dibahas disini. waktu gue tau tuh berita gue ngakak ke bulan tau nggak hahaha apa yang dibelakang sama di depan gue tuh ga sinkron! huahaha aneh.

mungkin gue cuman bisa titip pesen aja buat yg baca ini dan 'ngerasa' haha:
"Jangan main-main dengan 'pasanganmu'. There's such thing called, Karma. Plus, revenge is childish, so grow up buddy;)"
tht's all i can saaay, dont be noisy cause he's sleepin tight and he doesnt wanna be late for school tomorrow ;)
stay cool,


Gavin Mikhail and Me.

I love Gavin Mikhail. You know him? He's an unfamous singer from....... err i dont know. Told ya he's unfamous. haha. But apart from his unfamousness, his songs are unbelievable. Most of them are played with piano. So it's kinda acoustic. And his songs are about everything. from love, life, God, grieve, and so many more. So everytime i feel blue, i listen to his song, 'You Grieve', when i feel broken hearted (-.-) i listen to 'Go On', when i feel excited im gonna listen to 'Fight The Sky', so many choices to listen to. Ive been listening to his songs for years, and i have never felt bored. pretty odd.

his song on my current playlist is 'Not Enough'. Lately ive been singin this song along with Disti, cause i guess this song describe my feeling lately, well more or less. Here's a sneak peak of the lyric:

"Just know I did not believe your lies &
Now I will not be there by your side
When all of your choices come to haunt you
The things you've done to me after all I've done for you

You left you said you were never very much in love with me
& I am not enough of everything you think you need
But I cannot believe you took for granted everytime
That I took a stand for you
I see,
Know you are not enough that someone for someone like me

Now I'm alright
I still get by
Comes as no suprise
Living without youCheck Spelling
I am still breathing and alive,
Now that you're out
All my life
I'm not giving up everything I have for you
No more I'm through
You know I'll never break again for you"
You see that? Living without you, I AM STILL BREATHING AND ALIVE. And no, im not giving up everything i am for you, NO MORE I'M THROUGH. And by god, ill never break again for you. Hahahaha how i loooooove this song! <3

or this? It's 'Come Alive'
" I wish you would stumble, trip, and fall on through
To that other someone speaking up inside of you
I wish you would take some time and just take care
Not to lose the person you find there... "
Yea i know someone who has changed and he's listening to the other someone inside him. Hopefuly he's not losing himself this time. But nevermind.

Currently missing someone rite now! Guess who? (NOT YOU ok.) Hahaha aaa cant wait to see and hang around with him again! :3

stay cool,